Asian Parenting – true or false?
My parents are Malaysians, and although they come from very diverse ethnic backgrounds (mum is Kelabit and dad is Chinese), they seemed to have some pretty quirky unifying behavioral traits. I’m not sure if I can enlist them as typical to “Asian parents” per se (your feedback is most appreciated), but these were some of the things/practices I grew up with. Welcome to my childhood.
p/s: Mum/dad, if you’re reading this, I love you veeeeeeery much, so please don’t take this the wrong way. :-D
#1: They speak louder on outstation and international telephone calls
Apparently, the further the geographical distance, the harder it is for the person on the other line to hear them.
#2: Word of the day – STUDY
Question of the day – “Have you studied yet?” Anything apart from studying is unacceptable and a total waste of time.
#3: Holidays are an opportunity to get ahead of others in school
Holiday? What holiday? Tuition = A way of life.
#4: Anything less than an A+ is unacceptable.
In your report card: A = average, B = bad, C = crap, D = die, F = there is no such thing. Oh and if you don’t get at least an A for Mathematics, you are a disgrace.
#5: No matter how well you did at school, they always know someone whose kid did better than you.
#6: Second most important word of the day – EAT
“Finish your food”, “Don’t waste your food”, “Do you know how many children out there don’t have food to eat?”, “Eat first”, “Eat now”, “Eat while it’s hot”, “EAT!!!!”
Oh and plus, your food will always has rice in it, no matter what. Maybe that's why now, I can't live without eating rice at least once a day.
#7: If it’s not on sale, don’t buy it.
#8: They think they’re doctors, even though they’ve never set foot in med school.
#9: They want you to study hard and be a Doctor. Or a Dentist at the very least.
#10: Every conversation with them turns out to be a life lesson
So how many of you also grew up with the rotan (cane) for discipline, Tigerbalm as a solution to most things, and a piano/organ in the living room? :-D