Vlog: 22 January 2016. Let me bore you. Lol.
Watch this only if you have nothing better to do. Seriously.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you're prone to motion sickness, do not watch this. This video was obviously shot by a non-professional. Keep expectations low. End of disclaimer.
Girls only page. Click here.
Happy New Year 2016!
“New year, new goals, new plans, same God, upgraded me. ”
Blessed New Year super people!
Hope you had a great start to the brand new year. So much to look forward to this year, and am truly blessed to be able to share the journey ahead with you. Here's a simple little video for you :-)
Meantime, here's my template for a quick review on 2015 and resolutions for the new year ahead. I hope this will help. Feel free to use and share. :-)
[Right click, and "Save image as..."]
What is your #1 goal for 2016? :-)
What happens when you put an iPhone into the microwave?
Mwahahaha. Here's a 1-take video of our lil' wacky experiment, just for fun. Please please pleeeeeeeease.... leave your brains behind when watching this and please do not try this at home.
10 most amusing selfies of all time
Selfie = A self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. [Wikipedia.org]
With Microsoft preparing to unveil its Lumia 730 “Selfie Phone” and other players like Sony, OPPO and Lava also cashing in on the selfie phenomenon, all eyes are on IFA 2014. Indeed, it will be interesting to see what the manufacturing giants will unveil at the biggest tech show in Europe this week.
Meantime, in conjunction with this narcissistic craze, here's a tribute to some of the most amusing shots of all time. IMHO. From creative selfies and failed wefies to funny dogfies, catfies and other amusing animal self-portraits - these are my top 10 favourites. Have a smiley day ahead! Hehe. :-D
#1: The OMG selfie
#2: The classic wefie
#3: The tipu punya selfie
#4: The failed selfie
#5: The "effortless-underwater" selfie
#6: The "are-you-nuts?!" selfie
#7: The professional selfie
#8: The "look-ma-no-hands" selfie
#9: The photobomb selfie
#10: The "what-the-..." selfie
So which did you like best? :-D
20 signs of maturity (for both men AND women)
Although some reach it earlier than others, the plan is to get there eventually. Here are 20 signs that are a good indication that you’ve grown up.
1. Your relationships are less dramatic than they used to be
2. You are a lot calmer
3. Your health appears to be important to you
4. You’ve raised your standards
5. You have a higher tolerance towards your parents, and make an effort to spend more time/stay in touch with them
6. You have fewer friends, but the ones that you spend time with, are real
7. You have no time for trivial stuff
8. You’re not bothered about what people think of you
9. You are able to focus on the solution, rather than stress over the details of a problem
10. You are not afraid to ask for help
11. You are not afraid to admit that you are wrong
12. You choose to be more positive
13. You’ve accepted what you can’t change and change what you can’t accept
14. You are no longer bitter about your exes
15. You appreciate your time at home
16. You are able to celebrate the success of others
17. You are able to turn jealousy into fuel for success
18. The phrase “Stupidity is not a handicap” makes sense to you
19. You often begin sentences with “Last time…” and “When I was younger…”
20. You gain weight with ease. Even breathing makes you fat
This is what I have to live with
This week, my #babybaby and I attempted to record an unboxing video. Attempted.
Those who know my husband on a personal level will agree that he's got quite a bit of funny in him. This shoot, he decided to be generous and share a little of that funny with us. On camera.
I find it quite refreshing to be honest. But then again, it's my husband. So I'll probably still say that he's the best looking man alive, even when he's fat and wrinkly (although I secretly hope that it won't both happen at the same time). Anyway, this is what I chose to live with for the rest of my life, and I have absolutely no regrets. #marriedlife #ilovemyhusband.
Meantime, looking forward to your input on some travel suggestions! Don't worry, it doesn't have to be according to our bucket lists. We welcome all ideas!! Hehe. Happy watching! Mwah mwah! xx
X-rated lessons I learnt
Those who know us well enough will concur that #babybaby and I are one of the most boring young couples you could ever find.
Well, for starters, we’d pick home over a night out, movie in our living room over the cinema, bottled water over any form of alcohol, shopping for gadgets over clothes. Perhaps that’s why we ended up marrying each other. *laugh* Perfect, right?
I believe we can actually count the number of times we’ve been out to the movies with 10 fingers. Or less. This is over 2 years, mind you. So yes, we have a lot of catching up to do.
Last Friday we contributed one more finger to our movie counter through a date with the mutants via the highest-grossing film in the X-Men film series. Besides the fact that it raked in USD310+ million in just the first seven days of release, I must say that this seventh installment in the X-Men film series left quite an impression on me, a layman.
X-Men: Days of Future Past.
While I leave the proper review of this engaging movie to the X-Men purists, I’d like to share 6 powerful leadership lessons I learnt from Charles Xavier during my 131 minutes with the mutants. :-D
Logan, I was a very different man. Lead me, guide me, be patient with me. -Charles Xavier
Always be remember and be grateful to the leadership figures in your life who chose to see past your immaturity and focus on your potential, making you the leader you are today; be it at your workplace, your social circles or even your home.
I’ve been trying to control you since the day we met, and look where that’s got us. I have faith in you. -Charles Xavier
There couldn’t be a clearer definition of management vs. leadership. Leadership 101. Are you a manager who tells people what to do, or are you a leader who nurtures and empowers others?
Enough ripples and you change time, for the future is never truly set. -Charles Xavier
Never discount the small things that make the big difference. Every decision you make today will affect your future. Never do something permanently foolish just because you are temporarily upset.
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” –Vincent Can Gogh
Your best is enough. Trust me. -Charles Xavier
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress as a person or a leader, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying. Remember also, that when values are clear, decisions are easy.
The greatest gift we have is to bear their pain without breaking and it comes from your most human part, hope. -Charles Xavier
Leaders are dealers in hope. As a leader, your job is to keep hope alive. Never give up on the people you love, no matter how unlovable they might be at times.
“The man who can keep his focus on what he wants can achieve it without feeling the pain it took to get him there.” –Dennis Devader
Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, it doesn’t mean they’re lost forever. -Charles Xavier
Failure is never final. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come. Like John Maxwell once said, “A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”
Thanks for reading! Have you watched the movie and are there any lessons or quotes you'd like to add? :-D
You're gonna LOVE this genius invention! Hehe.
Okay, this is totally random; but I'm having so much fun with this new toy that it would be so selfish not to share. Lol
If, by the time this video ends - you're still unable to grasp the concept of this "THING" - there's a picture right at the end which should help you visualize. Haha.
Thank you #babybaby for this brilliant buy. I wouldn't have thought about it on my own. Haha.
I dedicate this to all who are bold, brave, creative and fun. Enjoy!! :-D
"How's Married Life?"
It's been awhile since I uploaded my last unboxing video. Blame it on wedding preps, work, etc. (excuses, excuses, excuses...)
So post-wedding, now that we've pretty much settled in, I decided to make an effort to get back in the momentum of video uploads. Next, there was the BIG question:
What should I buy and unbox this month?
Side track a bit. Since we got married last February, we kept getting the same questions over and over again - "HOW'S MARRIED LIFE?", "WHAT'S CHANGED?" - so much so that I thought of just answering them once and for all (so you're NOT allowed to ask again or I'll have to 'ketuk' [Malay for "knock"] your head!
So. Tying it in to this month's unboxing, here are the answers to your million-dollar-questions. If you're a newlywed like us, you'll understand. *solemn-nod*
Contacting the Toothfairy
Some of you may remember that I wrote a letter to the Toothfairy...
I was feeling a lil' under the weather...
...so I decided to go and see a doctor and he gave me this.