“Don’t trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn’t die.” -Man.
“Don't trust anything with 2 heads and 1 brain.” -Woman.
So they say that women are complicated. Women are emotional. Women are fussy. Women are confusing. Women are crazy. Women are…
Photo credit: gaukartifact.co
…like cars. Sure. We come in different shapes, sizes and colours; perform better than others in certain areas, and while we eventually wear out with time, the ones that make an impact are still talked about with much respect long after they’ve passed their prime.
We get it.
Photo credit: www.thepetcollective.tv
So women are a lot of things, but take us out of the equation and a world without women would be like….
Photo credit: www.hdqwallpaper.com
…having burger without the meat? Lol
Food and analogies aside, I have to admit that women are relatively more complex than the average man, and that it also takes a little more effort to understand us.
Whether you’re:
- a husband trying to decipher his wife’s habits
- the typical confused male who just doesn’t get it
- a woman who is attracted to other women
- the thoughtful partner who constantly strives to be better
- someone who’s new to this illusive WOW (world of women)
the following observations may make your quest a little less painful. And while they may only apply to the “general” female, you’ll get the idea. ;-)
1) PMS
Photo credit: mikerowse.com
The first thing you need to know about PMS is that not all women have it. And while it’s convenient to blame all your fights on PMS, saying it in the middle of a fight will not help.
Besides, the last I checked, mood swings were not exclusive to women.
Okay, let’s talk about periods in general. Do we bleed the whole time? During the few days of menstruation – yes, which is typically 3 days to a week. The intensity of the bleeding however, will vary and generally peaks on Day-2 and Day-3.
When a woman menstruates, her body sheds the lining of her uterus amidst an internal firework of hormones.
Photo credit: www.staffordcountysun.com
Imagine someone scraping your abdomen from the inside. And imagine that part of your body being constantly filled with a substance you can’t remove, and then having someone twisting and pulling your stomach walls in like a balloon sculptor. While all that pain is going on at the front, imagine a different perpetual irritating pain on your lower back, a headache up north, and soreness all over your body.
Photo credit: cheezburger.com
All this, for 3 to 7 consecutive days, once every month. Fun, huh? And you wonder why some women tend to be emotionally vulnerable during that time of the month. Lol
Men say that you shouldn’t trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn’t die.
I’d say, never piss off someone who bleeds for 5 days every month, and doesn’t die. Lol
2) Size matters
Photo credit: www.divineroofinginc.com
No, not your genitals, but your effort. Women are highly sensitive beings, and that’s what makes them so thoughtful by nature. Unfortunately not all men are built that way, but we’ve learnt to accept that. Some get more credit than others simply because they put in the extra effort to be more attentive to a woman’s needs.
Women recognize big efforts through smaller but meaningful gestures.
Contrary to popular belief, it takes very little to please a woman. While the anomalies still exist, for the average women, a hug/cuddle, a smile, a reassuring touch or a peace offering of food (in my case ) at the right time is all it may take to make things better.
Photo credit: holyshitters.com
And once you grasp that concept, you’ll discover that women aren’t so complicated anymore. :-D
Remember though, that effort is only effort when it begins to hurt*, but turn the act of making your woman happy into a habit and you’ll be the most desirable man alive. ;-)
[*quote by Jose Ortega y Gasset]
3) Attraction to bad boys
Photo credit: 8tracks.com
Just like men, women are attracted to that extra boost of confidence, personality and charm. Unfortunately most men who posses such qualities tend to capitalize on their empowerment, which side effects include the lack of discipline in the area of fidelity.
Women are attracted to a man’s confidence, personality and charm, not the lack of control of their genitals. Get that straight.
So now that you know what we’re really attracted to, what’s stopping you from being desirable without leaking into the unwanted “bad boy” territory? ;-)
4) Your manhood
Photo credit: www.dailymail.co.uk
Again, this may be hard to accept, but the size of your manhood is not measured by the size of your genitals. While we leave chauvinism and the extreme display of emotions to the boys, the average women measures the size of a man by:
- his ability to remain calm, rational and level-headed in highly emotional situations/scenarios
- his decisiveness and willingness to take responsibility for a bad decision (rather than trying to justify an honest mistake)
- his willingness to admit when he is wrong
- his willingness to put you first, every time
- his ability to listen and make you feel that what you say is important
- his level of respect for you as a woman
- his level of sensitivity to your needs/thoughtfulness
- the initiative he takes in making you smile every time you’re with him
- his willingness to stand up for you/defend you at all times
Hey actually, doesn’t this describe most of our dads? And some still wonder why women are generally attracted to older men. Lol
A man is someone you grow into (although some do it faster than others), so the good news is that there is still hope for mankind.
5) It’s not just about you
Women never dress well or deck themselves up for just their own man. For us, looking and feeling good contributes to our level of self-confidence; so if your woman puts in the extra effort to look extra nice, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s cheating on you. Sincerely complimenting your woman is a nice gesture too, since we do need the occasional bit of verbal assurance from the ones we love.
Oh and one more thing – since she wants to look good for you too, don’t tell her that every option looks the same. Your opinions count.
[Photo credist: archive.indianexpress.com, mydatingadvicefree.com]
6) She is not your mother
Photo credit: www.telegraph.co.uk
Nor is she your maid. Don’t expect her to baby you all the time. Not all women like playing mother to their men, so try not to over-rely on us for your domestic needs. I believe that being a man means you can also take care of yourself; while on the other side of the spectrum, pampering your woman occasionally can go a long way!
Hope this helps.
Guys, you cannot truly understand a woman in 1 blog post, so if you’re still feeling a little lost, don’t worry. Comment below you have any questions about women, and ladies, feel free to chime in too. Your input will make all the difference. :-)